Core Values
Pentucket students and staff work together as a community to fuel a passion for learning and academic excellence. We encourage the skillful application of knowledge, challenging ourselves to be healthy, responsible, and respectful members of our local and global community.
Beliefs About Learning
We believe that..
- Students learn best when they are given choices, see authentic applications,and actively engage in their learning.
- Persistence in response to challenges is modeled and expected.
- Literacy is an essential building block.
- We are a community of life-long learners with individual needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles and this is reflected in the school’s curriculum, instruction, assessment and extracurricular offerings.
- Each member of our learning community should adapt to the ever-changing technological learning tools and their use.
- Our learning community - students, parents, faculty, and staff - all share collective responsibility for promoting students’ success and physical, social,and emotional well-being.
21st Century Learning Expectations:
Academic Competencies
- Students will be independent, inspired, and confident learners.
- Students will be skilled communicators who are able to use writing, speaking, arts, and technology to express their ideas.
- Students will be creative explorers who are able to push boundaries, overcome obstacles, and create meaning from their learning.
- Students will be innovative thinkers who are able to solve problems by reading, acquiring, analyzing, and synthesizing information.
Social Competencies
- Students will demonstrate respect for others and themselves, accepting and appreciating individual differences.
- Students will be engaged and effective collaborators.
Civic Competencies
- Students will be active and responsible members of their school and community.
Brenda Erhardt,
MSHS Principal
Brandon Bates
Assistant Principal, Grades 9 &12
Caitlin Burke
Assistant Principal, Grades 7 & 10
Andrew Bub
Assistant Principal, Grades 8 & 11
School starting time
7:35 am
School dismissal
2:15 pm
Phone: 978-363-5507
Fax: (978) 363-2720